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GC Command List

This is a list of commands that you can use in Server GC.


You can use / or ! as a prefix for the command. For example: /help or !help. However, in the Web Command, you can remove the prefix.

Table of Contents

Spawn Monster

This command will spawn a monster in your world with a custom amount, level, and health points.

/spawn <monster_id> x<amount> lv<level> hp<health point>
  • monster_id: The ID of the monster you want to spawn. You can find it in the GM Handbook.
  • x: The number of monsters you want to spawn. For example, x10 will spawn 10 monsters.
  • lv: The level of the monsters you want to spawn. For example, lv10 will spawn monsters with level 10.
  • hp: The health points of the monsters you want to spawn. For example, hp100000 will spawn monsters with 100000 health points. Set to 0 to spawn monsters with infinite health points.


/spawn 29060101 x10 lv150 hp0

The ID for 29060101 corresponds to Raiden Shogun. You can use this ID to spawn 10 Raiden Shoguns with level 150 and infinite health points.

Adding Avatars

To add an avatar to your account, use the following command:

/give <character_id> lv<level> c<constellation>
  • character_id: The ID of the character you want to add. You can find it in the GM Handbook.
  • lv: The level of the character you want to add. For example, lv90 will add a character with level 90.
  • c: The constellation of the character you want to add. For example, c6 will add a character with constellation 6.


/give 10000002 lv90 c6

This will add Kamisato Ayaka to your account with level 90 and constellation 6.


Please note that once you have added a character to your account, you cannot remove it unless you delete your account.


The quest command allows you to add, remove, skip, and remove all quests from your quest list.


/q add <id>
  • id: The ID of the quest you want to add. You can find it in the GM Handbook.


/q add 46501

This will add the quest named Darknight Hero's Crisis - Wait till daytime to your quest list.


The remove command will remove a quest from your quest list.

/q remove <id>
  • id: The ID of the quest you want to remove. You can find it in the GM Handbook.


/q remove 46501

This will remove the quest named Darknight Hero's Crisis - Wait till daytime from your quest list.


The skip command will skip a quest from your quest list.

/q skip

Remove All

The removeall command will remove all quests from your quest list.

/q removeall

Add item

To add an item to your account, use the following command:

/give <item_id> x<amount> lv<level> r<refinenment>
  • item_id: The ID of the item you want to add. You can find it in the GM Handbook.
  • x: The amount of the item you want to add. For example, x10 will add 10 items.
  • lv: The level of the item you want to add. For example, lv90 will add an item with level 90.
  • r: The refinement of the item you want to add. For example, r5 will add a weapon with refinement 5.

If normal item

/give 305 x10

This will add Anemo Sigil to your account with an amount of 10.

If artifact

/give 23668 x10 lv21

This will add Fell Dragon's Monocle to your account with an amount of 10 and level 20.

If weapon

/give 331037 x10 lv90 r5

This will add Amo's Bow to your account with an amount of 10, level 90, and refinement 5.

Kill All Monsters/Entities

This command will kill all monsters in your world.


There is no argument for this command.

Change Props

This command allows you to change any property on your player.

/prop <property> <value>
  • property: The property to change. Includes: godmode, abyss, nostamina, unlimitedenergy, player_level, worldlevel, etc.
  • value: What to change the prop value to. Includes: 1, 0, on, off, or amounts such as abyss level (1 - 12).

For example:

/prop ue 1
/prop abyss 12



You must log in again to apply changes or view the results.

If the icon or button you need is missing, or if the tutorial warning persists, you can try using the following command:

/prop so -111|1|all

For example:

/prop so -111
/prop so 1
/prop so all

Remove Cooldown


This command only works with your current character.

This command will remove the cooldown for your character.

/stats freeze cdr 1

There is no argument for this command.

Change Stats

This command allows you to change your character stats temporarily.

/stats [freeze] <stat> <value>
  • freeze: Whether to lock the stat to what you've set it to or not. If not, it will change soon after.
  • stat: The stat you want to change. Such as atk, cdr, def, crit, etc.
  • value: What number to set the stat to. For percents, 1 = 100%.

For example:

/stats freeze atk 123456

Change World Level

This command will change your world level.

/prop wl <level>
  • level: The world level you want to change to.


/prop wl 8

This will change your world level to 8.


This command will heal your character.


There is no argument for this command.

Unlimited Stamina

This command will remove the stamina limit for your character.

/prop ns 1

There is no argument for this command.

Unlimited Energy

This command will remove the energy cost for your character, allowing unlimited burst.

/prop ue 1

There is no argument for this command.

Unlimited Health/God Mode

This command will make your character unkillable.

/prop god 1

There is no argument for this command.

Level up Adventure Rank

This command will level up your adventure rank.

/prop player_level <level>
  • level: The adventure rank you want to level up to.


/prop player_level 60

This will level up your adventure rank to 60.


This command will grant or revoke achievements.


/am grant <id>
  • id: The ID of the achievement you want to grant. You can find it in the GM Handbook.


/am grant 80046

This will grant the achievement named Sanctuary Pilgrim: Liyue - Unlock all the Shrines of Depths in Liyue. to your account.

Grant All

This command will grant all achievements to your account.

/am grantall

There is no argument for this command.


This command will revoke an achievement from your account.

/am revoke <id>
  • id: The ID of the achievement you want to revoke. You can find it in the GM Handbook.


/am revoke 80046

This will revoke the achievement named Sanctuary Pilgrim: Liyue - Unlock all the Shrines of Depths in Liyue. from your account.

Revoke All

This command will revoke all achievements from your account.

/am revokeall

There is no argument for this command.

Change Constellation

This command will change the constellation of your character.

/setconst <constellation>
  • constellation: The constellation you want to change to.


/setconst 6

This will change your constellation to 6.


This apply with your current character. If you want to change the constellation of another character, you need to switch to that character first.

Change Weather

This command will change the weather of your world.

/weather <weather>
  • weather: The weather you want to change to. Here is the list of weather you can change to:

    • sunny
    • rain
    • cloudy
    • thunderstorm
    • snow
    • mist

Change Talent

This command will change the talent of your character.

/talent <n/q/e/all> <talent>
  • n: Change the normal attack talent.
  • q: Change the elemental burst talent.
  • e: Change the elemental skill talent.
  • all: Change all talents.
  • talent: The talent you want to change to.


/talent n 10

This will change your normal attack talent to 10.

If you want to change all talents level, you can use the following command:

/talent all 10

Add Character To Party

This command will add a character to your party.

/team add <id>
  • id: The ID of the character you want to add. You can find it in the GM Handbook.


/team add 10000002

This will add the character named Kamisato Ayaka to your party.


If you want to remove a character from your party, you can use the following command:

/team remove <id>

Reset Constellation Character

This command will reset the constellation of your character.

Current Character


There is no argument for this command.

All Characters

/resetconst all

Coming Soon

More commands will be added over time.

This concludes the guide. If you have any questions, please join our Discord server and ask in the #support channel.
