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LC Command List

This is an LC (LunarCore) command list you can use for HSR PS.

Table of Contents

Give Custom Relics:

/give [relic id] s[main stat id] [substat id]:[count]
  • relic id: The ID of the relic you want to add. You can find it in the GM Handbook
  • main stat id: The main stat on the relic. For example, s4 will give the relic crit rate for main stat.
  • substat id: The substats on the relic. For example, 2:1 will add atk one time to the relic.

Please note that substat IDs are specific to the type of relic being made! Refer to for full info.

Custom Battle:


Battle stage is what you actually fight, not monster id. Monster id is just what shows up in the world to initiate the battle.

/spawn [monster id] [battle stage] lv[level]

Unable to Load In:

/unstuck @[In-game UID]

Get all items:


Giveall can only be used once every hour. Use all if you want everything, do not use separate giveall commands to get each category.

/giveall all


Quests in LC (LunarCore) or HSR is still experimental, and missions or quest data will not save into your account.

Start the quest:

/q main

Skip the quest:

/q skip

Set Avatar Eidolon:

The avatar command allows you to change the level, ascension, eidolon, and skill levels for your avatars.

/avatar {cur | all | lineup} lv[level] p[ascension] r[eidolon] s[skill levels]
  • cur | all | lineup: Pick one according to what you want to change: cur for current avatar, all for all avatars, lineup for all avatars in party.
  • level: The level to make the avatar. For example, lv80 will make them level 80.
  • ascension: The ascension level to make the avatar. For example, p3 will make them ascension 3. This is related to max level.
  • eidolon: The eidolon level to make the avatar. For example, r5 will make them eidolon level 5.
  • skill levels: The level to make the avatar's skills. For example, s3 will make the skill levels 3.


/avatar cur lv80 r6 s12 p6

This will make the current avatar max level, eidolon, skill, and ascension.

Clear or Remove Items

/clear {relics | lightcones | materials | items} lv(filter level)
  • {relics | lightcones | materials | items}: Pick one according to what you want to clear.
  • filter level: The max level of the items to be cleared


/clear relics lv80

This will clear all relics level 80 and under.

Refill Energy

The refill command allows you to refill your character's energy.


Change Gender


You need to re-login for the changes to take effect.

The gender command allows you to change your trailblazer's current gender

/gender {male | female}


/gender female

Give Items

The give command allows you to give yourself any item in the game.

/give [item id] x(amount) lv(level) r(rank) p(promotion)
  • item id: The ID of the item you want. You can find IDs in the handbook.
  • amount: The amount of the item you want. For example, x50 will give 50 of the item.
  • level: The level of the item you want. For example, lv70 will give the item at level 70.
  • rank: The rank of the item you want. For example, r5 will give the item at rank 5.
  • promotion: The promotion level for the item you want. For example, p5 will give the item at promotion level 5.


/give 1 x1200

This will give 1200 stellar jades.


The heal command will heal your current avatars.




The help command will display all available commands and their usage.



Refill Skill

The refill command will refill your skill points in the open world.




The scene command will teleport you to the specified scene. Going to bad scenes can break your account, so be careful.

/scene [scene id] [floor id]
  • scene id: The ID of the scene to teleport to.
  • floor id: The ID of the floor to go to for scenes with several floors.

Set Trailblaze Level

The setlevel command allows you to set your current trailblaze level.

/setlevel [level]

Spawn Props or Mobs

The spawn command allows you to spawn any prop or monster.


If you want to battle, refer to Custom Battle at the top of the page!

/spawn [monster/prop id] [stage id] x[amount] lv[level] r[radius]

World Level

The worldlevel command allows you to set the current level of your world.

/worldlevel [level]

Coming Soon

More commands will be added over time.

This concludes the guide. If you have any questions, please join our Discord server and ask in the #support channel.
