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This project supports resource hot downloading for 3.6 iOS clients and game-in-game downloading resources, without replacing the software.

1.Download resources


Sign it and install it by yourself.

2.Getting started

2.1 Local proxy method

Conditions: Only an iOS device with a proxy software installed is required, no PC is needed.

Restrictions: Only supports servers with dispatch as the https protocol and port 443.

Here is an example using Shadowrocket, with Surge/Loon being similar.

2.1.1 Turn on https decryption

0.If it has been opened, you can skip this step.

1.Open Shadowrocket, click the bottom configuration menu item, open the arrow-indicated i icon on the right.

2.Click on https decryption, turn on https decryption, and click on the √ sign above.

3.Click Generate New CA Certificate, wait for a moment, and then there will be a pop-up, click confirm.

4.Click Install Certificate, and click Allow.

5.Return to the desktop, open Settings - Downloaded Profiles, and install.

6.Not done yet! Open Settings again - General - About this Mac - Trusted Certificate Repositories - select the certificate that was just generated.

2.1.2 Add module

1.Open Shadowrocket, click bottom configuration menu item, open modules, and select New module.

2.Paste the following code, click save.

[URL Rewrite]
^https:\/\/([\da-z-.]+) header
^https:\/\/([\da-z-.]+) header
^https:\/\/ header
^https:\/\/ header
hostname = %APPEND%,

3.Click on the settings, select UDP, and turn on the "forwarding" option.

2.1.3 Downloading Resources

Turn on the proxy, enter game, enter any account information, and download resources and play it